La viola da gamba ed il suonar di camera nelle corti d’Europa



 Il programma vede un ideale agone fra la viola da gamba, strumento principe nelle corti francesi grazie ad autori come Marin Marais (di cui verranno proposti “Ballet en Rondeau” dal dodicesimo libro di “Pièces de viole” e “Sonnerie de Sainte-Geneviève du Mont de Paris”), e il violino, che dall’Italia si apprestava a conquistare di lì a poco l’Europa intera. Accanto ai nomi più noti, come quello di Couperin (“Second Concert in re maggiore da Concerts Royaux”) e Rameau (“Troisième Concert da Pièces de clavecin en Concert”) verranno eseguite opere di compositori che furono celeberrimi all’epoca come Francoeur (“Rondeau dalla Sonata VI”) e Dornel (“Sonata IV La Forcroy)”, o ancora Royer, che fu l’insegnante di musica di Luigi XVI, di cui sarà proposta La “Marche des Scythes”.


 FANTAZIA – “Albione suona la viola”

Il programma alterna opere strumentali di due protagonisti del Seicento inglese come Henry Purcell e Matthew Locke alle accattivanti ricreazioni moderne di quella gloriosa stagione musicale, nate dall’inventiva di Michael Nyman (1944) e concepite come colonna sonora di un celebre film di Peter Greenaway, I misteri del giardino di Compton House.

All’epoca di Locke e Purcell il quartetto d’archi non esiste ancora nella formazione canonica che conosciamo oggi, di due violini, viola e violoncello. Opere intime, raccolte, nate forse per l’esecuzione privata, le Fantasie di Purcell sono scritte per un consort di viole. In esse l’autore fonde le regole del contrappunto e la freschezza della melodia popolare e del canto, con risultati di un’arditezza armonica che suona modernissima ancora oggi. Con l’operazione inversa, le fantasie che Nyman ambienta nell’Inghilterra del 1694 per la pellicola di Grewnaway conferiscono un colore old style a schemi accordali dall’effetto ipnotico e non privo di ironia.


HENRY PURCELL (1659 – 1695)

da Fantazias and In Nomines: Fantazia 30th of June (4’)

da Fantazias and In Nomines: Fantazia 14th of June (4’)

Suite from “King Arthur” (8’):

Introduction, Hornpipe, Symphonie,

The Grand Dance

 da Fantazias and In Nomines: Fantazia 19th of June (5’)


da The Draughtsman’s Contract: An eye for optical theory (4’)


Pavan & Chacony in sol minore (7’)

da Fantazias and In Nomines: Fantazia upon One Note (3’)

da Fantazias and In Nomines: Fantazia 19th of August (3’)

MATTHEW LOCKE (1621 – 1677)

da Twelve duos for two bass viols: Fantazia XI (2’)


da Fantazias and In Nomines: Fantazia II à 3 (3’)

da Fantazias and In Nomines: Fantazia 11th of June (4’)


da The Draughtsman’s Contract: Chasing Sheep is best left to Shepherds (5’)


Luca Giardini, Ayako Matsunaga violini

Rosita Ippolito, Francesca Chiocchi, viole da gamba


Test 1

Programma GERMANIA under construction.

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The viola da gamba and chamber music in the courts of Europe




The program features an imaginary competition between the viola da gamba, the principal instrument in French court thanks to composers such as Marin Marais (“Ballet en Rondeau” from the twelfth book of “Pièces de viole” and “Sonnerie de Sainte-Geneviève du Mont de Paris”) and the violin, that originated in Italy and was set to rapidly conquer the whole of Europe. Alongside the more well-known names such as Couperin (“Second Concert in D major from the Concerts Royaux”) and Rameau (“Troisième Concert da Pièces de clavecin en Concert”), works will be performed by lesser known composers who were famous in their time such as Francoeur (“Rondeau from Sonata VI”), Dornel (“Sonata IV La Forcroy)”, and Royer, who was Luigi XVI’s music master, and whose “Marche des Scythes” is proposed.


 FANTAZIA Albione plays the violaThe program alternates instrumental music of two eminent 17th century English composers, Henry Purcell and Matthew Locke, with the fascinating contemporary recreation of that glorious musical period, conceived by Michael Nyman (1944) as the soundtrack to the famous Peter Greenway film, The Draughtsman’s Contract.

The string quartet as we know it today, two violins, viola and violoncello, did not exist in the time of Locke and Purcell. The Fantasie by Purcell, perhaps destined for private performance judging by their intimacy and composure, were written for a viol consort. The composer melds contrapuntal sapience with the freshness of folk melody and song, resulting in harmonic boldness that surprises even a modern ear. In an inverse procedure, Nyman’s fantasie set in England in 1694 for the Greenaway film convey an old world nuance with hypnotic chordal sequences that betray a sense of irony.


HENRY PURCELL (1659 – 1695)

from Fantazias and In Nomines: Fantazia 30th of June (4’)

from Fantazias and In Nomines: Fantazia 14th of June (4’)


Suite from “King Arthur” (8’):

Introduction, Hornpipe, Symphonie,

The Grand Dance


from Fantazias and In Nomines: Fantazia 19th of June (5’)



from The Draughtsman’s Contract: An eye for optical theory (4’)



Pavan & Chacony in sol minore (7’)

from Fantazias and In Nomines: Fantazia upon One Note (3’)


from Fantazias and In Nomines: Fantazia 19th of August (3’)


MATTHEW LOCKE (1621 – 1677)

from Twelve duos for two bass viols: Fantazia XI (2’)



from Fantazias and In Nomines: Fantazia II à 3 (3’)

from Fantazias and In Nomines: Fantazia 11th of June (4’)



from The Draughtsman’s Contract: Chasing Sheep is best left to Shepherds (5’)


Luca Giardini, Ayako Matsunaga violins

Rosita Ippolito, Francesca Chiocchi, viole da gamba


Test 1

Programma GERMANIA under construction.